I discovered the Beta Band, like I discovered a lot of great music, basically through eventually surrendering to the enthused urgings of a mate who was cooler than me. He continually evangelized about the EP’s. I was lost to the concert hall and firmly ensconced on the dancefloor by then and highly resistant, but quite taken by the idea that a band would bring out extended plays rather than singles. When I did check them out, I was instantly smitten by their originality and power.
The band, therefore, were pivotal for me in terms of my own musical journey, in that they represented a gateway back into indie guitar music, which I’d basically given up since becoming obsessed with rave and acid house.
The Beta Band were definitely a band for the cool cognoscenti- like my buddy- the ones you make a bit of a tit of yourself trying to convert quite straight boring people to.
The emotions they induced were a kind of throwback to school days when you were very pompous and prescriptive about what you liked, and derisive towards non believers. It’s a testimony to the power of the music that they could take me to the raw state of the younger man.
I took it personally that they didn’t hit the mainstream commercial base. At least two of the three albums they made deserved quadruple platinum status. Hot Shots II and Heroes to Zeros are permanently lodged very high in my top one hundred albums of all time.
So, the return of the Beta Band has me moving into the same mode of immature, adolescent anticipation. Everyone should have the Beta Band albums and EP’s in their collection. It still kind of annoys me - in fact it bugs the shit out of me - that most of them don’t.
And that really is something.
A1. Dry The Rain
A2 . I Know
A3. B + A
B1. Dogs Got a Bone
B2. Inner Meet Me
B3. The House Song
C1. The Monolith
C2. She's the One
D1. Push It Out
D2. It's Over
D3. Dr. Baker
D4. Needles In My Eyes
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Expected 11/07
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